Hard Money Lenders

Fairview Commercial lending has created a guide to hard money lenders (www.fairviewlending.com/hardmoneylenders). This guide is meant for both hard money brokers and hard money borrowers. Fairview is a direct hard money lender that has focused its hard money lending in Atlanta, Chicago, and throughout Colorado.

The hard money lending guide discusses the following topics that every mortgage broker and borrower must read. Learn the truth about hard money lenders and ways to protect yourself and your client. Below is a list of topics to help borrowers and brokers navigate the maze of hard money lenders.


  1. Before engaging a hard money lender, make sure you understand the typical process to get a hard money loan as well as the criteria required to submit an application to hard money lenders.
  2. After understanding the basics of hard money lenders, it is important to explore the details of the transaction. For example one needs to understand the total cost of a loan, how hard money loans differ from other loan products and where to find answers to frequently asked questions.
  3. Finally, it is important to note that not all hard money lenders operate similarly. Hard money lenders are not typically heavily regulated and have quite a bit of freedom in how they conduct their operations. Below is a list of resources to ensure that you are not taken by an unscrupulous hard money lender.
  4. Details for each of these topics can be found at: www.fairviewlending.com/hardmoneylenders
  5. For details on Denver hard money and Colorado hard money: www.cohardmoney.com
  6. For details on Atlanta hard money: www.georgiahardmoney.com
  7. For details on Chicago hard money: www.fairviewlending.com/Chicago_Hard_Money

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